Structural design and construction for the renovation of the air traffic control tower at Whitehouse OLF USN Airport Whitehouse, FL. This tower required extensive refurbishment including new siding, new lighting and structural repairs to the catwalk railing and antennae. Design services included wind load calculations...

The Florida Department of Environmental Protection’s John U. Lloyd Beach State Park had four (4) boardwalks adjacent to the ocean that were in need of replacement. This project involved the structural analysis and detailing for the replacement of the boardwalks while concurrently upgrading them for...

Demolition of deteriorating steel-frame canopy, structural design and construction new canopy. Structure is located directly on the flight line at Naval Station Mayport. All construction activities took place while the flight line was in use. This job required extensive safety plans and quality control due...

Enlargement and resurfacing of the Longshoreman’s Parking Lot on-board MCSF-BI. Barber Klein coordinated tests to determine soil classification, subgrade stabilization, compaction, asphalt mix and proper cross slope to provide adequate drainage for the newly paved parking surface. All specifications were in accordance with Florida Department...